jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

How to Visualize the Things You Want

noviembre 15, 2018 0
How to Visualize the Things You Want

Visualization is by far one of the most powerful tools for good setting and attracting what you want.  Yet few people know how to properly visualize.  With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, granted you full apply what you learn.

First you are visualizing all the time.  You may not be aware of it but you are always conjuring up images in your mind.  When you are speaking on the telephone to someone you are most of ten times trying to see in your mind what they are telling you.  You also visualize when you are deep in thought.  When you are worrying about paying your debt or worrying about the way you would really like to live your life you are also visualizing what you want.

The hard part however is to use that creative force to actually attract the things you want.  This is where many people go terribly wrong.

Here is a great test to help you understand the most effective way visualize.  Think of the last time you were deep in thought.  Now try to remember what that felt like.  If you can recall that time, you will notice that you were deep inside of yourself.  You were unaware of anyone or anything and as you were allowing yourself to visualize you could feel clearly that you were having the experience as if it were real.  That is the power of visualization.

When people ask all the time How do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don’t want.  You see when you are feeling anxious and fearful you lock yourself away in your inner mind with those images.  You loose sight of other possibilities and if it is something that happened to you, then you recreate it in its full detail with all your emotions all over again.

Try to immerse yourself with full emotions when you are trying to create the things you want.  Many thoughts may come to distract you but if you will redirect your mind to what you do want your mind will be trained to hold that thought.

There are many tools and techniques that can greatly empower your ability to visualize if you really have a hard time.  You can add extreme magnetism to any mental image you want to create as long as you apply the right technique.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

Don’t Focus on Failure

agosto 08, 2018 0
Don’t Focus on Failure

Internal defeat is a mindset, where you begin to believe that most new ideas will fail. You might think -”After all, what I tried in last week's Yoga class, failed.”

You will always learn from mistakes.  When you see them clearly as a test, examine the results, and study them closely for the reason why they went wrong.

Whether it is a lesson plan, trying mantras, Hot Yoga, Gentle Yoga, a pro shop, or trying anything new, it is better to make mistakes than do nothing at all.

Some of the most successful Yoga teachers, I know, deal with mistakes as part of the learning curve. They turn all of their defeats into learning experiences. This is extremely powerful when you consider the cost of learning anything of value.

After all, what did you spend on your education, so far? Did you think you would stop learning at a certain point in life? Did you learn from your past mistakes? Of course you did, and now you are stronger due to the corrective adjustments, you have made.

When a child learns to ride a bicycle, there are plenty of falls along the way, and then the falling stops. However, even skilled adults fall off bicycles, sometimes.

So, don’t take past failures personally. Put them behind you and learn from each one.

Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers had failures, but nobody seems to remember that. Just like them, you are not a failure, but you may have failed in the past, just like they did. When you get down on yourself, look back at what you have accomplished.

When you take on your next project, do the research first, assemble a team, make a full commitment to succeed, and never mentally quit before you start.

Lastly, whenever it is possible, learn from the mistakes of others. This is why Yoga businesses approach me for consulting services: To save money by avoiding known mistakes, pitfalls, and traps.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

Living with Joy

mayo 18, 2018 0
Living with Joy

Living with joy can sometimes be a challenge.  When things appear to be going against our will, we tend to experience this as pain, suffering, or that we’re having a bad day.  Recognizing that we are in control of our feelings, and that we have the choice to live in joy, or in fear is the first step to creating a life full of joy and positivity.

One principle that we all need to acquire is the ability to see all situations, people, and events from a positive perspective.  Instead of viewing bad things in life as a prompt to get upset and angry, try to view the “bad things” as lessons that are helping you grow, helping you to become as whole of an individual as possible.  Too many times, we think that the outer world, the physical reality is creating our day, causing us to be sad or unhappy; however it is the opposite that is true.  We create our day, we create the circumstances for joyous living.

The most important lesson is that “beingness” precedes experience.  In order to be happy, we first need to “be happy” inside, and this internal happiness radiates outward through every cell of our bodies and creates the outer experience of a smile, or a laugh, or an intimate connection between two people.  It is in this “beingness” that we have the ability to see and to choose our feelings, desires, goals, and dreams, which then enables us to manifest an outer reality based on our true selves.

We create the reality in which we experience joy, anger, love, and fear.  Because we have the ability, the free will, to choose our reality, we can make that conscious choice to try to just be happier, more grateful, and more sensitive.  This happiness though will never come if you are looking outside of yourself first.  Because, what we just learned is that in order to be happy we have to have the internal feeling of happiness to then create that happiness in our daily lives.   Remember that your beliefs about reality create your experience of it.

So, start changing your negatives into positives, gain clarity, and open your heart by looking inside yourself.  When we start changing ourselves from inside out, the universe will respond to us in ways in which we could never imagine.  The ability to start manifesting your goals and dreams is already inside of you.  Take the leap to start living in joy today.