sábado, 16 de enero de 2021

Consejos de autoayuda para detener los ataques de ansiedad

enero 16, 2021 0
Consejos de autoayuda para detener los ataques de ansiedad

Muchas personas en todo el mundo sufren de condiciones de ansiedad extrema. De hecho, los trastornos de ansiedad se encuentran entre las condiciones psicológicas conocidas que comúnmente provocan que las personas experimenten una presión y un estrés intensos. En la mayoría de los casos, los trastornos de ansiedad a menudo se confunden con mero estrés y presión por los que no necesariamente hay que preocuparse. Incluso hay momentos en que algunas personas solo se dan cuenta de que tienen condiciones de ansiedad extrema solo después de haber consultado a un médico.

Básicamente, una persona que experimenta una intensa sensación de ansiedad y preocupación durante más de seis meses probablemente sufra un tipo grave de trastorno de ansiedad. Los casos de ansiedad que implican una preocupación excesiva y el estrés de las relaciones, el trabajo, el entorno o las situaciones también son indicadores seguros de los trastornos de ansiedad. Con esto, los médicos y profesionales de la salud siempre recomiendan recomendaciones inmediatas cada vez que la ansiedad se vuelve extrema hasta el punto de que ya está afectando las actividades y la productividad diaria de una persona.

Afortunadamente, para aquellos que sufren de trastornos de ansiedad, estas formas de condición de salud son altamente tratables. Después de exámenes exhaustivos y la confirmación de que un paciente sufre un trastorno de ansiedad, los médicos y profesionales de la salud recomendarán los tratamientos que mejor ayuden a la condición del paciente. Estos tratamientos pueden ser medicamentos, terapias y remedios naturales o herbales.

Además de los tres tratamientos comunes recomendados por los médicos, existen otras formas de tratamientos que las personas pueden probar como medio para detener los ataques de ansiedad. Tratar la ansiedad no necesariamente requiere gastar mucho dinero en medicamentos y tratamientos costosos. 

Como tal, a continuación les dejamos algunos consejos de autoayuda que pueden ayudar a manejar y hacer frente a la ansiedad y el estrés:

   1. Mantener una dieta sana y equilibrada.

      Comer bien es probablemente una de las formas más sencillas y gratificantes de sobrellevar y controlar los ataques de ansiedad. Esto no solo mantiene el cuerpo en forma y saludable, sino que también ayuda a reducir y controlar el estrés.

   2. Eliminar la cafeína.

      Dado que se sabe que la cafeína desencadena tensión y ansiedad, evitar el consumo excesivo de café o refrescos realmente puede disminuir la susceptibilidad de experimentar ansiedad, ataques repentinos de pánico y cambios de humor.

3. Construir un fuerte sistema de apoyo

      El apoyo de familiares y amigos es una ayuda muy importante para aquellos que están experimentando condiciones de ansiedad extrema. Pasar tiempo con personas que son comprensivas y de apoyo emocional realmente puede ayudar a una persona a sobrellevar y lidiar con los ataques de ansiedad. Se dice que cuanto más una persona busca consuelo en la confianza de familiares y amigos, menor es la probabilidad de experimentar ansiedad repentina y ataques de preocupación extrema.

   4. Practicar diferentes tipos de técnicas de relajación

      Los médicos o profesionales de la salud a menudo aconsejan a los pacientes diagnosticados con trastorno de ansiedad que intenten practicar diferentes tipos de técnicas de relajación, como yoga, respiración controlada e imágenes guiadas. Estos modos de relajación realmente ayudan a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad.

   5. Meditar

      Las meditaciones regulares también son una buena manera de reducir la susceptibilidad de experimentar ansiedad y estrés extremos. Muchas personas que sufren de trastornos de ansiedad prefieren adaptar métodos de meditación como la meditación caminando y la meditación trascendental en sus actividades diarias.

martes, 5 de enero de 2021


enero 05, 2021 0

Del libro "El Enfoque Correcto" extraemos el texto referido a las RAZONES POR LAS QUE DEBEMOS PENSAR POSITIVAMENTE:

-Las personas con pensamientos positivos son optimistas, y por lo tanto toman la vida con más alegría y ganas de superación, además que por su actitud positiva son inmunes y resistentes a las enfermedades.

-Cuando pensamos “bien”, nuestro cuerpo se relaja y nuestras funciones orgánicas trabajan en un nivel óptimo.

-Una mentalidad positiva permite sacar del subconsciente
el genio creador que tenemos dentro. Las ideas brillantes empiezan a aflorar espontáneamente.

-Un pensamiento positivo firmemente implantado, nos hace sentir realmente poderosos. Nos convence de que somos capaces de lograr todos nuestros objetivos.

-Las ideas positivas nos permiten entrar en el mundo supra-racional, y descubrir misterios ocultos en nuestra mente que antes ignorábamos.

-El poder de un pensamiento, permite desarrollar una gran cantidad de energía positiva que puede ser utilizada en lo que nosotros queramos.

-Una mente positiva es capaz de fijarse metas altas y conseguirlas, metas que en otro tiempo parecían imposibles siquiera de concebir.

-Por lo tanto una mente positiva puede hacer realidad en el mundo material y exterior lo que previamente se ha concebido en el mundo mental, espiritual o interior.


enero 05, 2021 1

El ser humano positivo no se fija en la apariencia, la raza, la religión o las costumbres de los demás. Él respeta las formas de vida de otros, porque sabe que solo así hará respetar la suya. 

Este tipo de hombre o mujer individual conoce bien lo que es la “empatía”, por ello cuida muy bien sus palabras, gestos y actos. Sabe bien cómo se siente una persona cuando la hieren. 

Ha adquirido principios, valores y aun cuando no deja de ser sensible, reduce su susceptibilidad a la mínima expresión cuando se trata de eludir los dardos venenosos de gente del polo opuesto. 

Asimismo, la persona positiva sabe el daño que hace a la mente la impresionabilidad, sabe que el que dirige su mente es él y no las imágenes externas, por ello siempre esta alerta.

Sabe que es él quien debe elegir qué cosa, objeto, persona o hecho va a admirar. El ser humano que cultiva su actitud positiva y que disfruta trabajando para establecerla como algo permanente e irreversible, está en camino de ser el dueño de sí mismo lo que equivale a estar en el camino del hombre o la mujer superior. 

Lo importante cuando uno tiene actitudes y rasgos negativos es darse cuenta. Si uno se da cuenta cuando pisa mal, cuando lo reconoce en sí mismo, cuando no se engaña disfrazando sus taras, esa es una buena señal para el cambio, transmutación, crecimiento o como desee llamarle. 

Ahí en ese momento puede empezar un proceso de evolución a partir de establecer un firme autoconvencimiento de que la indeseable compañía del demonio de la negatividad nos va a abandonar pronto… y se tendrá que ir.


jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

The Secret to Spiritual Success

diciembre 17, 2020 0
The Secret to Spiritual Success

Before you are born, you sit down with your spiritual guides (for approximately 2 years Earth time) and together you decide what lessons you need to master during this lifetime, what negative karma you need to balance, and what personality traits you will possess during this lifetime to help you to achieve your life lessons. This forms the basis of what is known as your Soul Life Blueprint. 

It is over the course of hundreds of lives that you choose to master higher qualities of love, forgiveness, unconditional love, tolerance, acceptance, compassion, empathy, wisdom, and many, many more. Throughout our lives we incur karma (or negative debt) through wrong action. This must be repaid over the course of our lifetimes, and every lesson mastered, before we can free ourselves from the Earth plane, never to return. 80% of the negative energy you feel inside is residual negative energy from a past life or past lives. It is through the process of rebirth or reincarnation that you seek to release this negative energy that you carry inside of you. This negative energy resides in your body's cell memory and subconscious mind. 

You choose the circumstances that will provide you with the opportunities to learn your life lessons and to repay your karmic debt. 

1. You choose your parents. Choosing the right parents is important for the soul to achieve many of its life lessons, and each soul will choose parents that will challenge or teach it in someway. Sometimes it is necessary to choose a harsh or critical parent, who will challenge your internal power. You may not have stepped into your own power and need a dominant force to cause rebellion within your being, to awaken you. It may be that you chose a critical parent as a challenge to test your own self-love and acceptance of yourself. It may even be that you chose a critical parent because you yourself were highly critical of others in a past lifetime and this time you need to experience the injustice of being unfairly criticised and bullied for yourself, as well as repay the karmic debt you have incurred. 

2. You choose your personality, your name and your date and time of birth. Choosing your personality, your name and your date and time of birth is a precise action of your soul. Your soul is governed by astrology, or the governing forces of the planets. These planetary forces govern your personality, the way you act, and your internal desires and drives, so it is critical that your soul be born at the precise moment in time, so that you end up with the personality that your soul has chosen to learn its life lessons. Because your name, and your date and time of birth reflect your entire astrological make-up precisely, those trained in the fields of decoding astrology and numerology charts are able to provide you with an accurate and clear account of your soul purpose, your personality, your inner desires, and your karmic debt, etc. You may be wondering how it is that you choose your own name. The answer to this is simple. You psychically implant your full name into the minds of your parents who believe they have chosen your name for you. 

3. You choose what negative events and trauma you will encounter. In order to learn your life lessons and become stronger, you need to test yourself and overcome obstacles and often very difficult challenges that you have chosen for yourself before your were born. Hmm, you are saying, but what about free will? If we have predestined our life, what free will do we have? It is true that you have free will when you live on the Earth plane. Before you are born, you choose the many, many different variables or directions that your life could go in. And there are thousands! Your life is like a choose-your-own-adventure novel that you have chosen for yourself before birth. Together with your spiritual guides, you choose all of the possible outcomes that will enable you to fulfill your soul purpose. 

4. You choose the negative people who will come into your life. Every person who you encounter on your life-path is your teacher, and reveals to you what you still have yet to master. Especially those who are negative! The very thing you hate most in your enemies, those you hate or cannot stand, is usually the thing you refuse to see or recognize within yourself! These souls act as mirrors for you, and are very important beings for your growth and learning. Your enemies are usually your best or closest friends in the spiritual dimensions, and agree to challenge you on the Earth plane to help you achieve your life lessons. 

5. You choose the time you will be awakened spiritually. You give yourself a period of time to awaken spiritually on your own, without any help from spirit. Some choose to awaken later in life, others quite early. Before you are born you request from your Spiritual Master, that if you have not awoken to your spiritual path by the time you have set yourself, that everything that you hold close and dear is to be taken from you, so that you may deeply reflect on your life and what is important to you. This may include losing your spouse, your car, your house, your job, your reputation, your money, your security, your health, whatever is necessary for you to see what is really important to you in your life. 

6. Discovering your Soul Life Blueprint. Each soul has encoded in its full name and date of birth its Soul Life Blueprint, which reveals specific lessons it is seeking to master in this lifetime, what karma it is seeking to repay, the purpose of its soul this time around, and the personality type it has chosen to accomplish each of these. Understanding this important information is The Secret to Spiritual Success. Your Soul Life Blueprint will help you to awaken to your spiritual path, and is an important road-map for those already awakened to mastering their life lessons. You will begin to see why you have attracted certain types of people into your life. You will begin to see why you act in a certain way, and what negative behaviors you are here to overcome. You will begin to see how negative actions in previous lives (karma) is still affecting you in this lifetime, and what you can do to correct this and turn your life around. You will begin to see why you have p articular interests and desires, and what fears hold you back in your life. 

Your Soul Life Blueprint will show you how you can implement new strategies specific to you to help you master your life lessons; it will show you what internal psychological stress patterns you can expect from your personality during this lifetime; and it will show you how to work through these internal stress patterns, how to bring harmony back into your life, and how to find peace within.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020

Success Through People

octubre 16, 2020 0
Success Through People

You need people. That’s a fact. Developing your people skills is probably one of the wisest investments you could ever make for yourself. Brilliant people who have already developed their people skills are already on their way to the top. Others who have also realized the importance of improving people skills have built their businesses on helping individuals improve the way they relate to other people.

Examine the way you relate to people. How good are you when it comes to working with people? Do you listen carefully to others or do you do most of the talking? Do you expect people to follow your command or do you create a win-win situation for parties concerned?

Improving your people skills starts with the right understanding of people. One of the keys to understanding human nature is frequent interaction with people. This will certainly be a big boost in establishing great relationships with your boss, officemates, spouse, children, friends, relatives, etc. These people can lift you up in victory, or these same people can refuse to do so.

Why do people refuse to extend assistance?

Two of the major reasons why people refuse to extend support or assistance are the perceived fear of losing and the absence of gain.   Part of understanding human nature is to realize that most people always look after their own welfare first before the welfare of others.

The fear of losing prevents people from extending assistance most especially if it involves money, confidence, health, time, energy, and security (not necessarily in that order!). The trick then is to frame your request in order to minimize the fear of losing and emphasize the gains. Highlight the idea of winning and give assurance that losing is remote.

After you succeed in taking off the fear of losing, the next thing you need to do is to show the benefit they will gain from your offer.  Among people, the fear of losing is paramount over the benefit of gaining.  With this in mind, the gains should be equal or greater than the perceived fear of loss.

Another important factor in developing people skills is to have a good reputation. In establishing good relations, people look at the reputation of the person making the offer.

Reputation is built on first impressions, and first impressions last.  With this, it is extremely important that you establish good impressions right at the very onset of the meeting.  With a good reputation, succeeding requests will sail through.  It is easier to make a first good impression than correct a previous bad one.

The bottom line is this: In order to succeed in life, you have to develop your people skills. Part of this is understanding human nature and how people relate with each other. You also have to practice interacting with a variety of personalities. Improve your people skills and increase your odds for success!

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2020

What Is Your True Purpose In Live

agosto 20, 2020 0
What Is Your True Purpose In Live

Here is an interesting way to discover your true purpose in life. It is about the real reason why you exist and the meaning for you to be here. It will take around 20 minutes.

What you do is take a paper or open your text editor, write the following title on top: What is my true purpose in life? Start to write down anything that comes into your mind. Don’t stop. Just continue to write. You may write more than 100, 200 or more answers. But just don’t stop. Certain same answers may repeat from time to time and during the process you may start to feel annoyed because the answer can’t seems to converge. Just bear with it and continue to write. You will come to a point that your answer start to converge. You will start to notice the final answers arise because that few answers will keep on repeating more and more frequently. You will finally know those are the true answers as it makes true sense to you. It may take around 20 minutes or more. That’s fine.

It takes me around 20 minutes with 70+ answers to come to the following final answer:

Live to my Fullest Potential
Continue to Grow and Improve Everyday
Live and Work Together With Others Well
Live with Belief and Faith

If you interested to read the original article, please go to http://www.stevepavlina.com.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

Give A Smile-Get A Smile

junio 17, 2020 0
Give A Smile-Get A Smile

In today’s world of technology we do not have ample opportunity to get personal. Life is fast-paced and everyone seems to be in a rush.  We dial the phone and we talk to machines. We spend long hours on the computer playing games, emailing one another or working with our web pages. Even in the office environment, we email the person in the cubicle 3 feet away instead of walking over to hand them a task list.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love technology. I cannot imagine ever being without my computer and am guilty of spending a large part of my day working on line. The computer and Internet afford many opportunities. Now at no charge outside of my Internet connection I can communicate with persons all over the world. If screened carefully young people have a world of education available at their fingertips. I could continue to expound on the many benefits that technology has brought into our lives. However, that is not the gist of this article.

As a result of the technological age of today’s world, our personal touch with one another is decreasing. We need to take full advantage of the opportunity to be personal. Humans are becoming strangers to one another. People are in a hurry to get on with the business of living and walk past each other on the street without even a nod.

Have you wondered why there is so much clinical depression in the world today? Ask yourself why our young people are so distressed. Why so many of them attempt suicide or worse the murder of their classmates or families. Do you conclude as I do that we need more of a personal touch?

Have you taken notice to how you felt when you were standing in line at a bank and someone turned and smiled at you. Prior to that smile you were feeling very anxious, possibly tapping your foot in impatience. You weren’t very happy to be there waiting in a long line. You had things to get done and you were getting more frustrated by the minute.  It was one of the mundane drudgeries we all have to go through. Then comes this smile from the person in the line next to you and suddenly you feel much better. You are compelled to smile back. You do so without giving it thought, as though it is a natural inclination to reciprocate the smile.

Think about it, don’t you feel compelled to smile back when someone smiles at you? Doesn’t if lift your mood, and bring you out of a frustrated frame of mind? But that smile does so much more than that.  It makes you feel accepted and liked. Somebody cares, and shares the things you go through. It makes you part of a group, a integral part of the human race. If you do not think that our society, do research into why our young people join gangs. The kids will tell you they are seeking to belong, to be a part of something. The gang becomes an extension of the family.

There is power in the smile, you see. It’s as though that instant someone waved a wand and all the drudgery disappeared. You suddenly feel warm and responsive and the person who offered you a smile has just gone from a stranger to be wary of to a kindred spirit. Sometimes a conversation is started and now the mundane drudgery has actually become an enjoyable experience. You no longer feel frustrated and rushed and in spite of yourself and enjoying yourself. The world is now warm and fuzzy instead of cold, fearful and bitter.

I do not mean to imply that giving and receiving a smile is the solution to the world’s problems, but it is a very good place to start. We all need to feel that sense of belonging. We are after all members of the same human family. We should feel moved to embrace each other in our hearts and minds.

So go ahead and smile. I dare you. But be careful. You might find the world a friendlier place to live. You might find that people are warm and kind and appreciative. Your smile might just make their day.